Prepare your HVAC for Winter


HVACs play an important role in the comfort of your apartments, homes, and offices. HVACs, akin to any other gadget or machinery, require care and periodic maintenance to ensure smooth and effective functionality.

This blog post will provide the best HVAC Tips for Winter to ensure that your HVAC functions in optimum condition in winter.

HVAC Tips for Winter to keep it in top performance condition:

Even though winter may seem far off, the last thing you want is to find that your heating system has a problem that you could have fixed earlier when the first snowstorm arrives. Everyone knows that regular maintenance is essential to extending the life of any machine, including the HVAC system in your home.

Schedule preventive maintenance:

The shoulder seasons—spring and fall—when your AC and furnace are least used—are the greatest for HVAC maintenance. By scheduling inspections with your neighborhood HVAC professional, you can ensure your system is in great shape before you need it.

To maximize your expert’s time, look for unusual odors, strange noises, and leaks in the ductwork before the professional arrives. Paying attention to detail will benefit you by getting a thorough check and maintenance from the HVAC professionals, maximizing your value for money.

Maintain optimal thermostat setting and temperature control:

For winter energy savings, a smart thermostat is essential. Even while you’re not home, you can monitor and manage energy usage throughout the house with the most recent HVAC models.

Adjust your thermostat to approximately 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you are at home for the most energy savings, and then drop it by 10 to 12 degrees at night (when your blanket will comfort you) or during the day when you are gone because there is no need in heating an empty house. Program your thermostats, get a geofence set up, or manage through a smartphone app. Using a few easy tips, your heating expenditure can be reduced by 10%.

Establish climatic zones to prevent hot upstairs and cold downstairs conditions:

Since heat rises and cold air condenses on the bottom floor, if your home has more than one floor, you might notice that the upstairs seems significantly warmer in the winter. Setting up climatic zones is one approach to address this difference. The DIY method is traditional but efficient: To make your heating system send more air downwards, shut or redirect a few of the vents on the upper levels.

Installing a climate zone system with wireless sensors that route heated or cooled air where it most requires is a more contemporary alternative. Many intelligent HVAC systems program and control cooling and heating based on the specific temperature patterns of your home, maintaining a pleasant temperature throughout.

Turn on your furnace at least thrice before winter officially arrives:

Before the term “polar vortex” returns to your lexicon in the early fall, turn on your furnace at least three times to ensure everything works. Set your thermostat to the ideal winter temperature for your house, then wait until it is reached before turning the air circulation off.

Consider a fuel-efficient furnace with 2-stage gas heating and energy star certification if it’s time to replace your furnace. Modern and innovative furnaces adhere to the strictest construction requirements to provide comfortable heating that is quieter and more efficient compared to many other options on the market. 

Clean your air vents and replace your air filter.

Accumulated dirt and dust in the filtration system is one of the most frequent causes of an HVAC malfunction. Refer to your owner’s handbook for the location of the filters in your HVAC system. Check your HVAC air filter at least once a month, and if you notice a problem, replace it within 90 days. It is prudent to have extra filters on hand because a filthy filter is useless.

Check and clean the air vents in every room in your house. Your home’s accumulation of dust and dirt may also obstruct ventilation and result in poor airflow.

Think about adding more insulation.

Energy and heat-efficient homes have good insulation. Consider hiring a local HVAC specialist near you to check for deteriorated insulation in your attic and repair it as needed.

Checking the weather-stripping on all doors and windows is a fantastic DIY project to accomplish while you’re at it. Make the ground floor your primary focus during your home inspection because cold air that enters the property through draughty doors and windows will impact it first.

Winter-proof your exterior HVAC unit.

If you anticipate a harsh and dry winter, it’s a good idea to completely winter-proof your outdoor HVAC equipment before the snow and ice fall. Remove all leaves, twigs, and grass clippings from your outdoor unit on a dry fall day. A garden hose can assist in giving your outdoor unit a full rinse, eliminating animal droppings, bugs, dust, and filth.

To avoid unintentional automated starts on warm winter days, find the electrical circuit and flip the switch to terminate the power supply after the device has completely dried. Finally, to prevent moisture from accumulating throughout the winter, cover the HVAC unit with a waterproof cover that can breathe. Also, remember to remove snow, ice, and debris as they pile up in the cold winter months.


Apart from providing healthy HVAC Tips for Winter, Airlogix is always there for your HVAC systems whether it’s installing a new one or maintaining/repairing an already installed HVAC system. 


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